Some of the best times I’ve ever had going out have been when I go see local bands perform. Whether it’s going on stage to dance with the Twang Bangers or getting a ‘little bit softer now’ during a cover of “Shout!” I love being able to let my goose loose and shake my caboose.
1) DON’T SCREAM FREEBIRD. This is one of the most annoying things a drunk…or sober person can do while enjoying a live band. Basically, you are screaming, “I’m an ASSHOLE!” to everyone around you. This behavior will not help you get laid or get free drinks and should be grounds for being kicked out of the bar. Stop it. You’re not funny.
2) If you don’t know the words to a song, don’t pretend to be a lyrical genius. Shut that pie hole up with a cold beer and take time to appreciate the talent that is before you.
3) Buy the band a round of drinks! Let’s face it guys, if you aren’t in the band, you should probably try to be friends with them. What better way to say, “Wanna be friends?” than by satisfying their alcohol appetite? This way when you’re picking up that hot chick that actually does know the lyrics to every song, you can say, “yea, I’m a friend of the band.” BAM, you’re in. You’re welcome.
4) Support the band by spending your hard earned buckaroos on some of the local band’s merch! I promise the local band’s shirt is way cooler than your old Green Day shirt that you’ve had since high school…seriously, throw that away. It has visible pit stains that will never come out no matter how hard you try.
5) If someone is enjoying the music and accidentally bumps into you, perhaps spilling your drink or stepping on your brand new kicks, don’t let this beer shower rain on your happy little parade. Let’s all try to be a little more understanding, shall we? Don’t start a fight just because someone got a little too hyped up because the band was playing “their song.”
6) Don’t sit in the back and play Sudoku or Words with Friends on your phone. Even though I do have an amazing pickup line for someone playing this addictive scrabble game… “I can think of a three letter word I would play with you.” ;) But seriously, get up and dance, monkey, dance! Isn’t that the reason we’re all out and about on the town anyways? And I’m sure those sweet dance moves will definitely attract that fine young lady or gentleman that has been eyeing you from across the way all night. ;)
So to sum up this week’s tips, don’t be an asshole or fake, be generous and supportive of the band, and don’t be Lamie McLamerson! If you follow these tips, surely you will win friends and influence people! Until the next round, Cheers! ~Nena